Learning how to eat more vegetables took some practice for me and it’s often one of the questions those reading the Clean and Lean Blueprint are the most excited about figuring out. So I’m here with a ton of tips to make it easier for you, even when traveling!
First let’s define that in this 7-9 servings the goal is a 1:3 ratio of fruit to vegetables.
In other words eat more veggies and less fruit to get to that number. This is to ensure you aren’t just doubling down on sugar and instead are getting a variety of nutrients to fuel every run and help you recover.
Of course you could be an overachiever and go for 13, but 9 is an easily achievable number for anyone. And if you have a family of veggie haters, then check out these easy tips to get them excited.
13 Tips to Eat More Vegetables
When I first made it a goal to track my veggies/fruits I was shocked at how few made it in to my diet…but now it’s second nature {aka HABIT}. I order veggie omelets, I add shredded carrots to oatmeal, I snack on turkey wrapped around a green pepper.
I don’t eat things that I don’t like, but with time my taste buds have changed and I happen to get really excited about counting up my veggie intake. {hey runner’s are all about numbers!}
Here are the S’s for super simple sneaky satisfying ways to eat more vegetables and fruits (aka freggies) all day long
Scrambled Eggs
Eggs with veggies used to be one of my favorite go to meals {have a food intolerance to eggs now}. My favorite on the go way to sneak in veggies is this 3 Minute Breakfast:
Put egg, egg whites, broccoli, and carrots (or other veggies) in a microwave-safe bowl and cook for 2 minutes. Stir and cook a few more seconds, if needed. Mix in hummus and serve.
Or even a slice of bread topped with avocado, spinach, red pepper and two eggs. It’s a fabulous source of Vitamin D and protein that seem to make veggies easier for some people to hide.
Sweet Potato
Roasted alone to make fries or baked and topped with shredded broccoli and tahini {boom 2 veggies}…mm love it. This ain’t your holiday marshmallow yams my friends, it’s a super versatile food that adds some great flavor to all kinds of dishes.
Veggie based soups and chilis are some of the best ways to really pile in the veggies! In fact, I’ve found that I can double the number of veggies my family would normally eat by putting them in a soup.
Even a standard chicken soup in the crockpot gets a little bump in my house with extra shredded carrots, peppers and mushrooms. Everyone loves that it feels heartier and more filling!
Sports nutrition
Start using dried fruit, instead of chemically created gels for long run fuel and you’ve just added another serving of fruit to your day! {Tips on fueling with whole foods.}
Squash it
Spaghetti squash topped with tomatoes and spinach is easily 3 servings then you can add in your protein of choice. It will never replace pasta, but it’s seriously delicious. (checkout this option with goat cheese) Of course you can also make squash fries too!
Super Size it
Honestly I like to eat and I like to feel full, which is part of what has lead me to embrace the veggie based lifestyle! My meal size is often double, but less calories than what others are eating with the added benefit of looking amazing thanks to all the color!
Really this has to be the easiest way to get in a minimum of 3 servings right off the bat, but often my smoothies are up to 5 servings! Start with basic green smoothie recipe and branch out from there.
This is for all of you with the “but I travel” excuse. Because guess what I travel a ton and know that SUBWAY® makes is crazy easy now for me to get my veggies. In fact, the last time David and I stopped, I started commenting on how fresh the veggies were and that it was one of the best salads I’d had in awhile.
But yes you can have a crazy healthy sandwich at SUBWAY® thanks to their +color initiative. Not only are they giving you easy ways to add color to your meals (eh hem tons of veggies), but they are setting a massive goal to make American’s 20% healthier by 2020. We’re always asking large corporations to step up and they’ve done it again.
Super Oats
Adding fruit and shredded carrots or zucchini is simple, plus totally satisfying as it bulks up your breakfast without adding many calories. Love this protein oatmeal post run!!
Shred It
Buying shredded carrots, broccoli or other veggies makes them easier to slip in to recipes and go undetected by picky eaters.
There is something about turning a veggie into something that looks like noodles which gives it a whole new life and excitement. Especially for kids who get to help prepare the meal!
Checkout these 20 creative make at home salads, which are obviously a great way to load up on a variety of nutrients. And of course see my note above about Subway now offering chopped salads as a version of any sandwich, which will take you way over the 2 servings of veggies that are in their sandwiches.
Ever need a crunch? You’d be surprised how satisfying carrot sticks or apple slices can be in those moments. To make it happen have veggies pre-sliced and put in little baggies to grab and go, and fruit front and center in the fridge.
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